(360) 434-5598 catherinej@windermere.com


Thinking of moving to the Northwest?

Or, if you already live here, how about a new town?

Poulsbo, commonly referred to by the locals as “Little Norway,” is full of breathtaking scenery and a great variety of attractions.  Nowhere in the Pacific Northwest will you find this combination for visitors to enjoy for a weekend or for a lifetime.  Nestled along the Puget Sound, on east coast of Kitsap County between the majestic Olympic and Cascade Mountain ranges, this authentic Norwegian community invites you to experience nature’s beauty, Scandinavian hospitality, and old world charm.  Combining that heritage with quick access to Seattle via the Bainbridge Ferry, a friendly businesses atmosphere, and a robust economy, makes this area an enriching and captivating home.

Explore the heart of Poulsbo on Front Street with its wonderful old murals, world famous bakeries, arts and crafts galleries, and specialty shops.  Poulsbo also has several additional shopping areas that range from “big box” stores to small hometown shops in Poulsbo Village, along Highway 305 and Viking Avenue, and in the Olhava area.  Poulsbo hosts annual ethnic events such as Viking Fest in May, Scandia Midsommarfest in June, and Yule Fest in December.  See the Chamber of Commerce  Annual Festivals page for those dates, or visit the community calendar on VisitPoulsbo.com for a calendar of upcoming events in and around Poulsbo.

As home to the US Nuclear Submarine Fleet at Bangor Base, the Kitsap Peninsula benefits from a consistently large military budget as well as the aeronautics industry, which drive all kinds of other industries in the county.  Diverse businesses in Poulsbo help define us, from the larger companies and manufacturers like Gravitec, Watson Furniture, Avalara, Trulife, Marine View Beverage, and Twiss Labs, to the unique entrepreneurships like Blue Frog Solar, Well Being Health Center, Valley Nursery, Orbea Signs, the Marina Market and Central Market – our world class food market.

We’re best known for our vibrant, waterfront shopping district, but our economic drivers may also be found along the Highway 305 corridor, or in the Marketplace District (known to locals as Olhava), or in the large Twelve Trees business complex, nestled in the trees along the way towards the Hood Canal Bridge.

Explore the Northwest